Lottie’s Loft

Since adding a new member to our family back in September, our small house started feeling even smaller. I know 1400 sq. ft. would seem like a mansion to some but maybe we just have too much stuff… I don’t know… Anyway, our house feels much smaller. I started thinking about how we could make more room. Getting rid of more stuff was definitely where my mind went first and we have been on a journey for awhile now to get rid of unwanted items.

Small attic room. Before picture. Future playroom.

However, last week my mind started whirling when I started thinking about our “midget” room (it has been called that since before my time). It’s a little room off our hallway upstairs and it’s only about 5 ft tall at the peak. We’ve just used it for storage, that is up until now… My dearest father is now converting it into a little reading nook/play area for Lottie, Clara and of course mommy and daddy too. I think it is going to be stinking’ cute! It’s mostly finished. Ben and I will hopefully get it all painted next week and we’ll get some carpet installed as soon as we can. Until then, here are a few of my inspirational photos I’ve been pinning.






























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One Comment

  1. What a super idea! Please keep us posted on progress and post photos of the before/after. Fun! I know those girls will love it!

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