Figuring Out This Blogging Thing…
Well, we are attempting to start a blog about our life together. We talked about doing this 5 months ago, but life was just so busy. Here we go. Hopefully, we are able to be consistent.
We were happily married almost 10 months ago. It’s hard to believe it’s been almost a year. So far we have traveled to Hawaii (for our honeymoon), Maine and Alabama (for weddings), and Tennessee to visit Ben’s parents.

We got a puppy in August.

She was so scared. Look at that face!

Playing with daddy in the backyard.

Oh my goodness, she was too cute! But do they sure grow up fast..

Ok, I’ll stop gushing over Ellie’s cuteness.
We have also done some painting. We did the dining room first. The ceiling got sanded, two coats of primer, and two coats of paint. Yes, it was time for the trees on the ceiling to go. We got such a mixed response when we painted over them. Some people loved the fresh paint and other people missed the trees. However, we did add some trees back via pictures on the wall. We also gave the walls a fresh coat of paint, and painted the trim.


Then we painted the living room. That was a bigger project. The room is so much bigger with a lot more window. All that cutting in was very time consuming, but thanks to my (Laura’s) parents, we were able to finish in a weekend. The ceiling and trim also got paint too.


As you can see, lots of cutting in.

First coat.

I don’t have a good completed picture of the living or dining room yet, so I’ll take some soon.