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How To Make Raw Milk Yogurt in the instant pot

It’s so easy to learn how to make raw milk yogurt in the instant pot. There are just so many ways to enjoy this homemade fermented raw milk yogurt.

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A bowl of homemade raw milk yogurt with fruit and honey.

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Every time I’ve started working on a new skill in the kitchen, home or garden, I remember how intimidating it felt before I began and sometimes even during the process. However, after a bit it became old hat and I wondered why it took me so long to take the plunge.

Learning to make raw milk yogurt however is so easy, you shouldn’t feel intimidated at all. It’s as easy, if not easier than making raw milk kefir which you can read about here if you are interested.

Why Learn to Make Raw Milk Yogurt

Most of us know by now that eating fermented foods is really good for us. It is becoming fairly easy to find many different types of fermented foods in stores. Making them at home, however, can save you a lot of money. You can source the highest quality ingredients for your ferments making them that much more nutritious.

Up close picture of spoon with raw milk yogurt.

For example: Most grass fed organic yogurt in the store is around $6 or more for a quart at my local stores. It’s grass fed but not raw. I can buy a gallon of raw milk for around $10. That gallon can be turned into 4 quarts of yogurt. That saves me $3.50 per quart of yogurt. Prices vary greatly from state to state, but you will definitely save money making your own at home.

More and more states are allowing the sale of raw milk. Whether that is in the stores, direct farm sales or through a cow share. Most states however still limit the sale of fresh raw milk products such as butter and yogurt. You can’t even purchase raw milk yogurt in the store or even from many farmers. There really isn’t a way to get this amazing fermented product other than to make it yourself.

Different Ways to Make Raw Milk Yogurt at Home

Making raw milk yogurt involves warm up milk to around 110°, putting a culture into the milk and allowing to sit at approximately 110° until it thickens.

The instant pot makes it so easy to do at home. Most instant pots have a yogurt button. This will keep your milk at the perfect temperature to turn it into yogurt.

Other ways to culture yogurt at home include using an oven with the light on, wrapping jars in towels to keep warm or using a crock pot or dehydrator.

I’ve had very consistent results using my instant pot, so for me that is the way to go.

A quart sized mason jar with raw milk instant pot made yogurt and some feverfew white and yellow flowers in a picture.

Raw Milk Yogurt vs Pasteurized Yogurt

Raw milk yogurt produces a thinner yogurt than pasteurized yogurt. That is because the bacteria in the raw milk will compete with the yogurt culture not letting it set as thick.

If the milk as been pasteurized or scalded before adding in the culture there won’t be as much bacteria for the yogurt culture to compete with therefore producing a thicker yogurt.

Just know if you want a naturally thicker yogurt you will need to heat your raw milk to 180 and then cool it back down to 110 before adding in the yogurt culture. This will no longer be raw milk yogurt but it is still good for you.

There are several other ways to thicken your raw milk yogurt as well. See the Q&A below for more ideas.

Starter Culture vs Yogurt from the store

There are two ways to make yogurt at home. You can either use a starter culture or a small amount of plain yogurt from the store.

Close up picture of an amber glass bowl of raw milk instant pot yogurt with fresh berries and honey on top, surrounded by berries, mint leaves and a honey dipper on the table.

What is starter culture? It is freeze dried yogurt. Nothing special at all but it sure can be expensive. It can be useful to have several packets on hand in case you run out of yogurt and want to make more without having to go buy some at the store.

However, it is much more economical to purchase a quart of yogurt from the store and using a small amount of that to make your own homemade yogurt if it’s something you plan to do on a regular basis. Once you have made your own yogurt, you can just save a little from a previous batch and use that in your next batch.

You may find that every once in a while you may need to purchase a fresh batch of store yogurt if your homemade yogurt starts to not culture as well.

How To Make Raw Milk Yogurt in the instant pot

Ingredients need for how to make raw milk yogurt: two quart mason jars with lids, a half gallon of raw milk, a quarter cup of starter yogurt, a whisk and instant pot.

Supplies Needed


1/2 gallon raw milk (full fat or skimmed)

1/4 cup yogurt (from store or from previous batch) or starter culture according to your packages instructions


Step 1 – Begin by adding your raw milk to 2 quart sized jars leaving about an inch of head space. You can either skim some of the cream before or make it using all the cream. Then add 1/8 cup of yogurt to each jar or add starter culture. Either whisk the yogurt into your milk or place the lids on and shake.

Pouring milk and with mixed in starter yogurt into quart mason jars.

Step 2 – Next add your jars with lids on to your instant pot and fill the pot with water up until it reaches just below the lid of the quart jars. Then put on the lid. If using the instant pot lid be sure to remove the silicone seal since it can hold onto tastes and smell which can lead to your yogurt having an interesting flavor. Since the instant pot doesn’t need to come to pressure there isn’t any need to use the seal when making yogurt. I have found that my large pot lid works perfectly on my instant pot so I use that instead of the instant pot lid.

Four mason jars in the instant pot ready to be incubated into yogurt.

Step 3 – Push the yogurt button on your instant pot and set the time for at least 8 hrs up to 24 hrs. A shorter incubation period will make a more mild tasting yogurt and a longer incubation period will create sharper tangier yogurt. If when you push the yogurt button it says boil instead of hours just press the yogurt button again. To change the time of incubation on the instant pot use the – or + to increase or decrease the time.

Womans finger pressing the yogurt button on the instant pot.

Step 4 – Once your raw milk yogurt is cultured to your liking you can remove it from the instant pot and put in the refrigerator. It will firm up a bit more as is cools down. Once cooled, enjoy with fruit and granola or however you prefer your yogurt.

Q&A for how to make raw milk yogurt in the instant pot

Why is my raw milk yogurt thin?

Because raw milk yogurt isn’t heated, there are many other types bacteria that compete with the yogurt culture and don’t allow it to set up as well.

How to make my raw milk yogurt thicker?

There are several ways to make your raw milk yogurt thicker.

Scald your milk: Before you begin making your yogurt, you can scald your milk to kill off the natural bacteria present in raw milk. To do this, heat your milk to 180° degrees and then cool it down to at least 110° before adding in the yogurt. You won’t be making raw milk yogurt but it will still taste delicious.

Strain off the whey: Another way to make your raw milk yogurt thicker is by straining off some of whey after it has cultured. To strain off some of the whey, add your yogurt to a clean and sanitized cheese cloth or flour sack towel. Tie the ends of the cheese cloth together and hang up. I’ve used the rungs on a chair placed on my counter, a colander sitting in another bowl as well as a cabinet handle. Be sure the place a bowl under your strained yogurt to catch the whey. This is very good for you and can be used for other fermentations or put in smoothies or as a probiotic rich and hydrating drink. Don’t toss it out, it’s good for you.

Adding in gelatin: Add 1/4 cup gelatin to 1 cup of cold raw milk and allow to bloom (the gelatin to soak up the cold milk). Then slowly heat up the milk until it is dissolved. Once the gelatin has dissolved, whisk into the rest of your milk and proceed with the yogurt instructions.

Culture Yogurt in Glass Jars: Another way to culture raw milk yogurt in the instant pot is directly in the metal pot. This way works perfectly fine. If I do plan to strain my milk I will do it this way. However, I do find that the raw milk yogurt with be thicker naturally if I culture it in glass jars siting in some water in my instant pot. Once you cut the curds (which is what yogurt is) the whey starts to seep out making a thinner yogurt consistency.

What if I don’t have an instant pot?

I find an instant pot the easiest thing to use but there are other creative ways to make raw milk yogurt. People have been doing it centuries without electricity. The milk just needs to stay warm around 110° while it cultures. Here are some ideas for other ways to culture yogurt without instant pot.

  • Heating milk to 108° and putting in an oven with the light turned on.
  • Heating milk to 108°, then wrapping jars in a towel and placing on a heating pad turned on low.
  • Yogurt maker that keeps the milk at a perfect temperature while culturing.
  • Some dehydrators will work.
  • Also a crockpot can work as well.

How long will my raw milk yogurt last in the fridge?

I’ve kept my raw milk yogurt in the fridge for up to a month before I ran into problems with mold starting to grow. If you want to keep yogurt for longer be sure to freeze it. Freezing works better if you strain off some of the whey first.

How to make vanilla yogurt?

After the yogurt has cultured add in some vanilla extract and maple syrup to taste and mix together.

How to Serve Raw Milk Yogurt

Serve with toppings like honey, maple syrup, a bit of jam, fruit, granola, nuts or seeds, nut or seed butters.

Fresh Raw Milk Yogurt is also great in smoothies or baking.

How to make raw milk yogurt in the instant pot.

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How to Make Raw Milk Yogurt using the instant pot

Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 8 hours
Servings 16 cups


  • 1/2 gallon raw milk skimmed or full fat
  • 1/4 cup yogurt from store or previous batch or starter culture


  1. Begin by adding your raw milk to 2 quart sized jars leaving about an inch of head space. You can either skim some of the cream before or make it using all the cream. Then add 1/8 cup of yogurt to each jar or add starter culture. Either whisk the yogurt into your milk or place the lids on and shake.

  2. Next add your jars with lids on to your instant pot and fill the pot with water up until it reaches just below the lid of the quart jars. Then put on the lid. If using the instant pot lid be sure to remove the silicone seal since it can hold onto tastes and smell which can lead to your yogurt having an interesting flavor. Since the instant pot doesn't need to come to pressure there isn't any need to use the seal when making yogurt. I have found that my large pot lid works perfectly on my instant pot so I use that instead of the instant pot lid.

  3. Push the yogurt button on your instant pot and set the time for at least 8 hrs up to 24 hrs. A shorter culture time with make a more mild tasting yogurt and a longer culture time with create sharper tangier yogurt. If when you push the yogurt button it says boil instead of hours just press the yogurt button again. To change the time of incubation on the instant pot use the – or + to increase or decrease the time.

  4. Once your raw milk yogurt is cultured to your liking you can remove it from the instant pot and put in the refrigerator. It will firm up a bit more as is cools down. Once cooled, enjoy with fruit and granola or however you prefer your yogurt.

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