
DIY Newborn Photos

While we were in the hospital for Charlotte’s birth, a photographer came and did a free photo session with Lottie. It was fun to see how she set everything up and placed Lottie in different poses. The photos turned out cute and it was so tempting to buy them. But the cost for even just one picture was way more than we wanted to spend. I started thinking, why couldn’t I do my own photos of Lottie at home. The photographer didn’t have anything fancy to take the pictures with; just a regular DSLR camera, white sheets and pillows, natural light and a very cute baby. All of which I have. The other day, when I started feeling like I was getting a hang of this mom thing, I started thinking about taking the pictures again. So I did a little more studying up on newborn photography while feeding the baby. I watched a video on youtube which was really helpful. It was a photo session with a professional newborn photographer and she had a lot of really helpful tips; things I would never have thought of. Here’s the link in case any of you get inspired to try your own diy newborn photos.

Yesterday morning, after feeding the baby and making sure she was really sleepy (a very important step), I set up a little background for taking pictures. I just used pillows and a fluffy white blanket. I think it looks cute and girly. One thing I learned from the youtube video I watch was to move very slowly and take lots of time to make sure the baby stays asleep.

It was so much fun to take pictures of my precious little Lottie. She was so cooperative and stayed asleep for about an hour (I know… an hour is a long time to take pictures but I’m obsessed). After looking back at the photos from the hospital, I realized that I like mine even better. I might even do it again for fun before she gets too big to tolerate such nonsense…

Newborn Photos


Newborn photos

I took her diaper off for this one and she was a good girl, she didn’t poop or pee all over my bed. I was lucky! Looking back, I probably wouldn’t do it again, but you have to have at least one naked baby picture that your kids can be embarrassed by when they get older right?

Newborn Photos


Newborn Photos


Newborn Photos

I took way more pictures than I posted here, but these are my favorites. I am really looking forward to framing them and hanging some in Charlotte’s room.

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  1. You could have a future in this, baby photo thing Impressive for your first time!!! She’s beautiful. Congrats!

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