We Bought A Farm
You see this cute little brick ranch? We’ll guess what? God willing, it’s going to be ours next week! And guess what else? It’s on 8+ acres!!!
Yup! That’s right. We sold our little bungalow in town and are moving to the country! Are we crazy? Probably. Do we know what we are getting ourselves into? Not really. Do I think we can do it? Of course! I believe you can learn anything if you really want to.
Ben and I have wanted some land for several years now. We have looked and made offers but nothing has worked out. To be honest, there were many times we thought this was going to fall through too. However, God has finally brought us to the finish line and hopefully we will cross it next Tuesday!
My emotions have been all over the place. Through this process I am continually reminded how wonderful it is to have such a stable and even husband! I am so excited to do what we have been wanting to do, for what seems like, forever. But I can’t help but be sad to leave our little bungalow. We’ve been here together for over 7 years and Ben has actually owned the house for 10 years. So much time and energy was put into making this place home, and I love what we have been able to do to update the house.
As much as I’m sad, I am more excited to start a new project and a new style of living. We hope to get chickens and some other farm animals. I have a crazy dream of owning a cow someday too. We definitely will be putting in a large garden with vegetables, fruits and lots and lots of flowers! We want to plant some fruit and nut trees too. Here are a few of my inspiration pictures from Pinterest.
As for the house, it is stuck in the 70’s. Picture paneling and carpets everywhere (including the kitchen). Not just any carpets mind you, dark red and dark blue, along with a greenish/yellow (described by the inspector as puke green) carpets. I’m so excited to get a chance to design and update a house again. I already have so many ideas swirling in my brain. I’m so ready and yet I know it is going to take time, a lot of time!
I’ve had pretty much the same response from everyone we’ve told about the move. “Oh! But your kitchen! Aren’t you going to miss it?” The answer to that question is “Yes!” My kitchen has been such a blessing. Everyday since this move has become a reality, I’ve been savoring my wonderful kitchen.
There are many beautiful things I will miss about our little bungalow and town we live in. But as we’ve gone through this process, we keep coming back to the fact that deep down inside we just have to try it and see what happens.
So happy for you two! You will have a blast getting things just the way you want. It will take time but it’s well worth the effort. I hope you’ll document your progress along the way for those of us trapped in suburbia!