
Loft Update

As usual, projects don’t usually go as planned or get finished on time. As much as I hoped the “little” loft project would be different, it isn’t. After talking with my mom and dad we decided to finish out the room with a faux shiplap. Although I’ve never been a huge fan of shiplap, I…

Lottie’s Loft

Lottie’s Loft

Since adding a new member to our family back in September, our small house started feeling even smaller. I know 1400 sq. ft. would seem like a mansion to some but maybe we just have too much stuff… I don’t know… Anyway, our house feels much smaller. I started thinking about how we could make…

Sew Glad It’s Colorful!

The nursery is almost complete and it’s a good thing seeing as how my due date it only a few days away. While browsing for color ideas way back in the spring, I came across this color scheme from Design-Seed and I fell in love. I really wanted the nursery to have fun colors and not…

An Old New Singer

I’m not usually one to be super interested or excited by antiques. I’m not quite sure why. Maybe some day I’ll get into the antique thing. However, there is one antique I did get pretty excited about awhile ago. I’m a part of some facebook groups that work kind of like craigslist, only better in…